Terms of Use

Using TIMEFLYZ services implies acceptance of this General User Agreement:

1. Acceptance and availability of the User Agreement
INFINITY TECHNOLOGY GROUP PTY LTD,, trading as TIMEFLYZ, ‍is a private limited company established in Sydney, Australia. By accepting this contract, you declare: That you are a person of legal age and can engage in a legal contract and that you have read and accepted the User Agreement. These General User Agreements regulate the legal relationship that arises from the contract process conducted among users/customers of the website located at URL http://www.timeflyz.co Users/customers accept the User Agreement from the moment they use, hire or purchase any product. This document can be printed and stored by the users/clients. TIMEFLYZ can be contacted at this e-mail info@timeflyz.co so that they can ask any questions about the User Agreement.

2. Modification of User Agreement
‍TIMEFLYZ may modify the User Agreement by notifying the user-clients in advance, to improve the services and products offered through TIMEFLYZ. Said modifications will be notified through the inclusion of a message on the website itself and must be expressly accepted by the client users. Said modifications will not be applied retroactively and will not affect, therefore, the orders made before the modification. In any case, the User Agreement contained herein is mandatory and binding; any person who does not accept these terms cannot use TIMEFLYZ and its services. This User Agreement does not create any partnership agreement mandate, franchise, or employment relationship between TIMEFLYZ and users/customers.TIMEFLYZ reserves the right to reject or cancel any request but is not obliged to communicate or explain the reasons for its decision or without providing any compensation.

3. Services description
‍TIMEFLYZ is a flexible online reservations platform where the customer makes reservations through packs of hours. It is born to allow users: to book hotel rooms and use the hotel’s services, paying only for the time they want to enjoy the room. Now the customer decides when to check in and check out, paying only for these hours. Leaving behind: noon check-in and 12.00 o ́clock check-out. At http://www.timeflyz.co, the customer chooses the city, the time they arrive at the hotel, and the hours they will be there. We offer packs of hours according to the customer’s preferences. Followers of TIMEFLYZ in different social networks refer to and recommend our services, generating a high volume of sales and high visibility for our retail partners, in this case, hotels. Offer Prices advertised in our promotions and banners are equivalent to the fair price for packs of hours offered by different hotels. Therefore, the prices advertised in TIMEFLYZ are the best deals that the hotel can offer their customers/users for bookings by packs of hours. Follow/Recommend TIMEFLYZ: The customer/user can follow TIMEFLYZ using the following platforms: Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. The customer/user can also access our social networks using their corresponding buttons, which are found at http://www.timeflyz.co When a customer/user recommends TIMEFLYZ, it is directed from their email address, facilitating TIMEFLYZ access to their profile using the link “Share”. It is the user-customer that is liable for such a recommendation. TIMEFLYZ holds no responsibility because it’s the customer/user that is making the said recommendations. TIMEFLYZ has the power to run competitions through its website http://www.timeflyz.co when it chooses. Participation in the said competition of the customer/user is completely voluntary. Information requested may include personal information. By participating, you agree to all terms and conditions to be specified clearly in the rules.

4. Shipping method
‍Once a booking has been made, you will receive a confirmation email. Please remember to print or take a screenshot of your reservation and take it to the hotel.

5. Return or cancellation
‍The reservation holder has the right to cancel their reservation up to 24 hours before the hotel stay, free of any charge (less any merchant fees) from the hotel, except for special events such as Open Luxury Days in which there is no right of cancellation or specific promotions where it is specified. In the case that the hotel has charged the customer before the date of the booking, which the customer has then cancelled 24 hours before their stay, the hotel is obliged to refund the charged amount (less any merchant fees). Note that all cancellations must be made 24 hours prior to your hotel stay to qualify for a refund. If a cancellation is made within this 24-hour window, the reservation will be non-refundable. This applies to all bookings regardless of the reason for cancellation. Reservations may be cancelled using any of these methods:
1. By accessing the cancellation link that appears in the booking confirmation that the customer receives through email.
2. By sending an email to our customer service team at reservations@timeflyz.co. The cancellation is not effective until the customer has received an email from TIMEFLYZ confirming that the reservation is cancelled.

6. Payment method and security
‍In TIMEFLYZ you will find different forms of payment: reservations that you pay directly during the reservations process and reservations in which you will pay directly at the hotel. Our system uses encryption technology. The encryption technology allows you to safely transmit all personal data in a transaction, such as a name, address, or credit card number. The data is encrypted so only those involved in a transaction can interpret it. The encryption prevents access to the data by outside individuals or any other transactions.

7. Customer/user requirements
‍The user-customer must complete the booking process by filling in the required TIMEFLYZ booking form. The customer/user may book as many rooms as they like. The confirmation of the purchase order indicates that the customer/user accepts the user terms of the service offered, and is bound by the conditions of sale included in the description of the service, to the extent that they do not violate the law or the Terms Use and other policies TIMEFLYZ.

8. Hotel requirements
‍TIMEFLYZ are provider of the participating hotels on the online platform (www.timeflyz.co) and gives availability in terms of days and times of check-in and check-out. Thus, the services offered by TIMEFLYZ are managed through its platform. The hotel must comply with all User Agreements, and privacy policies set out in the booking platform (www.timeflyz.co). As for cancellations, the provider must not charge the user/customer for a hotel reservation once a reservation has been cancelled. The room is then automatically available on the TIMEFLYZ platform once more. In the case that the hotel had charged the customer/user for a room before it has been used: which has then been cancelled, it’s then compulsory that the hotel repays the amount. Likewise, the Hoteliers must meet the conditions of the sale, the features, and specifications of products and services offered, as well as guarantees which are provided when required.

9. Prohibitions
‍Users-TIMEFLYZ Customers cannot: To make a booking until they have accepted the User Agreement available at TIMEFLYZ. Confirm a booking when it is certain that they will then make a cancellation; this action disrupts the proper functioning of the system and undermines the benefits of its Members, customers, and users.

10. Privacy and Personal Data protection
‍TIMEFLYZ informs customers/users that the personal data of customers/ users will be stored and processed in the files at TIMEFLYZ, to provide and offer our services by providing their email addresses or other personal data, required for certain services. Customers/ users must permit the use of their details, which are used to send promotional commercials or advertising of services and products offered by TIMEFLYZ. Customers/ users who provide their data express consent for it to be submitted for use in carrying out activities with the objectives of the leisure sector. Users are informed that such communication can occur at the same time providing TIMEFLYZ data. TIMEFLYZ Customers/Users have the right to exercise rights of access, rectification, cancellation, and opposition as guaranteed by the law by revoking their consent at any time via info@timeflyz.co, so that they may revoke their consent at any time if they wish. Just as the exercise of rights of access, rectification, cancellation, and opposition guaranteed by the law. TIMEFLYZ declares that it complies with current legislation regarding data protection and personal data protection.

11. Industrial and Intellectual Property
‍The contents provided by TIMEFLYZ are subject to the rights of intellectual property and are exclusively owned, and TIMEFLYZ or legal persons who may inform. Purchasing a product or service through TIMEFLYZ does not confer any right of alteration, exploitation, reproduction, distribution, or public communication of it, reserving TIMEFLYZ and all rights. The granting of these rights requires the prior written consent of the holder thereof so that the customer/user may not make available to third parties said content. The intellectual property extends, apart from the content included in TIMEFLYZ, its graphics, logos, designs, images, and source codes used for programming. TIMEFLYZ has obtained the information and materials on the web from reliable sources and has taken reasonable measures to ensure that the information is correct. TIMEFLYZ cannot guarantee that, at all times and circumstances, information is accurate, complete, current, and consequently, since data is subject to change. TIMEFLYZ expressly disclaims any responsibility for errors or omissions in the information contained on the pages of this website.TIMEFLYZ reserves the right to modify, suspend, cancel or restrict their web content, links, or information without notice. In no event will TIMEFLYZ assume liability for the incorrect use of their website by the user. In any case, TIMEFLYZ, its subsidiaries, their directors and/ or agents, and employees, in general, authorized personnel are responsible for any damage, loss, claims, or expenses of any kind, either whether derived directly or indirectly from the use of the website or the information acquired or accessed by or through it, or viruses, operating failures or outages or transmission failures or line in the use of the web, both by direct connection by link or otherwise. TIMEFLYZ Acknowledges for all legal reasons that these events can occur. Intellectual property, rights, rights of use and production of this website, its pages and the information they contain, their appearance and design, and the links (“hyperlinks”) and any other pages at TIMEFLYZ, are the exclusive property of TIMEFLYZ unless expressly specified otherwise. Any denomination, design, and/or logo, and any product or service offered and reflected on this website are brands duly registered by TIMEFLYZ, by its subsidiaries, or by third parties. Any misuse of them by persons other than their legitimate owner and without the specific consent of TIMEFLYZ may be reported and pursued through the legal means available in the Spanish legal system. Intellectual property rights and brands of third parties are suitably highlighted and must be respected by all who visit this site. TIMEFLYZ is not liable for the use of its customers/users. Personal and private use is allowed for: downloading content, copying, or printing any page of this website. It is prohibited to reproduce, transmit, modify, delete or otherwise deal with the information, content, or warnings from this site without the written permission of TIMEFLYZ.

12. Links to other Internet sites
‍The web pages at TIMEFLYZ may contain links (links) to other third-party websites. Therefore, it does not take responsibility for any content that may appear on these pages. The texts, images, sounds, animations, software, and other content on the TIMEFLYZ website are the exclusive property of TIMEFLYZ or its licensors. Any: distribution, transfer, reproduction, or storage of t public communication must have the consent of TIMEFLYZ.

13. Cookies
‍On occasions, TIMEFLYZ uses “cookies”, i.e. small data files that are generated in the user’s computer and provide the following information: Date and time of the last time the user visited the web client; Design and content that the client-user chose in their first visit to the site; Security elements involved in controlling access to restricted areas and Other similar circumstances.

14. Responsibilities
‍TIMEFLYZ is only available to users-customers via a virtual space that can mediate between its customers/users and (buyers and suppliers) for the sale of goods or services. TIMEFLYZ is not the owner of the goods or services offered. TIMEFLYZ is involved in the transactions between its customers/users and (buyers and suppliers) but is not directly responsible for the quality, quantity, condition, and integrity of goods, products, or services. Each supplier acknowledges and accepts to be the sole responsible for the offer of products or services. In the case that the customer/user claims the right, product, and/or service, such claims or actions of any responsibility are exempt from TIMEFLYZ, managers, managers, operators, and agents.TIMEFLYZ, within its policies for the admission of customers/users its suppliers are also required to provide, honesty, and social responsibility as well as the quality of their products and services. If this is not the case, send an email to info@timeflyz.co

15. Compensation
‍The users-clients will not hold accountable TIMEFLYZ, its directors, administrators, representatives, and employees for any claim or demand from third parties related to its use of the activities promoted within the web portal or mobile application, as well as in the case that such claims derive from a breach by the user-client of the User Agreements and other policies that are understood to be incorporated herein or by the violation of any laws or rights of third parties.

16. Nullity and inefficacy of the clauses
‍If any clause in these User Agreements is declared fully or partially invalid or unenforceable, such invalidity or unenforceability will affect only that provision or the part that is invalid or ineffectual.

17. Notifications
‍All notices, requests, demands, and other communications that are made by all in connection with the User Agreement, shall be in writing and shall be deemed when delivered by hand or sent by email to info@timeflyz.co.

18. Applicable law and jurisdiction
‍This User Agreement is governed by the jurisdiction of the courts of New South Wales, Australia.